Bioimage Core FacilityNCKU. Prof. Wen-Tai Chiu
The discipline of bioimaging is taking on new dimensions in developing new sensors to explore biological function at molecular levels and visualizing nano-scaled information in a high resolution way. These remarkable advances benefit life science research in scale (molecular to cellular to organ) and range of applications (basic research to translational drug development and industrial application). As being important in frontline life science research, we herein propose a Bioimage Core aiming at the nationwide service. This Bioimage Core is based on the bioimaging centers, which have been established and well operated in National Cheng Kung University Medical College and Hospital and then in National Core Facility Program. Both of which offer organized training, guidance and supervision for users to obtain high quality results. This project aims to improve the Bioimage Core and develop a state-of-the-art bioimaging platform with high end equipment and professional expertise for entire Taiwan. With a special emphasis on life sciences, we will be able to address the broad imaging needs of the universities, research communities and industries. This center will be unique and definitely benefit entire scientific and biomedical community across Taiwan.
Acknowledgment template:
We thank the technical services provided by the “Bio-image Core Facility of the National Core Facility Program for Biopharmaceuticals, National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan”.Contact Information
PI:Wen-Tai ChiuInstitute:National Cheng Kung University
Contact:Ms. Yu-Jhu Hsu
Tel:+886-6-235-3535 ext. 3688
Add:Bioimage Core Laboratory, National Cheng Kung University Hospital, Rm 6046, 6F, No. 35, Xiaodong Rd., Tainan City 704, Taiwan (R.O.C.)