Biomedical Translational Imaging Deconstruction and Spatial Guidance Single-Cell Analysis PlatformChia-Ning Shen, Ph. D. Research Fellow
The Biomedical Translational Imaging Deconstruction and Spatial Guidance Single-Cell Analysis Platform integrates the technical services of the "National Biotechnology Research Park - Biomedical Translational Core Imaging Facilities" and the "National Tsing Hua University - High-Resolution Tissue Imaging Center". It provides integrated imaging analysis techniques ranging from the nanoscale molecular level to three-dimensional tissue scanning. This platform bridges the gap between basic science and biomedical translational clinical applications. Our service goal is to assist domestic industries, academia, research, and biopharmaceutical companies in translating clinical achievements into practical applications.
To meet the technological demands of spatial biology, we horizontally connect and integrate the services of our internal technical platforms. We establish a spatial tissue imaging analysis-guided single-cell whole-genome library service platform, focusing on multidimensional and diverse cell research. By extracting a small number of precious cells that are difficult to analyze from the entire tissue, we establish precise and rapid single-cell sequencing. Subsequently, we perform cell population-specific analysis on the tissue sample to transform the information of different cell types and cellular microenvironments into visualized and quantified data. This platform contributes to research in domains such as drug screening, cancer biology, tumor immunology, neurosciences, stem cell biology, and immunology.
Acknowledgment template:
We thank the Core Facilities of Translational Medical of the National Biotechnology Research Park at Academia Sinica in Taiwan for the technical support and data analysis.Contact Information
PI:Chia-Ning ShenInstitute:Core Facilities for Translational Medicine, Academia Sinica
Contact:Dr. Li-Wen Lo
Add:A441, No. 99, Ln. 130, Sec. 1, Academia Rd., Nangang Dist., Taipei City 115, Taiwan (R.O.C.)