National Core Facility for Biopharmaceuticals

Core Facilities - Taiwan Cryo-EM Consortium ( Assoc. Prof. Shang-Rung Wu )

Taiwan Cryo-EM ConsortiumAssoc. Prof. Shang-Rung Wu

Our alliance, leveraging the power of transmission electron microscopy, is devoted to tackling ultrastructural challenges associated with proteins, viruses, cells and more, aiming to unlock solutions in life sciences and disease-related problems. We're a consortium of three premier institutions: the Protein Ultrastructure Team at Academia Sinica, the Cryo-Electron Microscopy Core at National Taiwan University, and the i-MANI Center at National Cheng Kung University. With our synergistic expertise, our services extend across Taiwan.

Under the guidance of Academician Ming-Daw Tsai and Research Fellow Danny Shang-Te Hsu, the Academia Sinica team provides tailored cryo-EM sample preparation and data analysis services, effectively assisting researchers of all levels through the intricacies of protein preparation, purification, and equipment handling. The National Taiwan University team, directed by Prof. Nei-Li Chan, goes beyond high-resolution protein structure analysis, placing a special focus on structural elucidation of small membrane proteins that are challenging to crystallize through their distinctive microcrystal electron diffraction service. They also extend the cutting-edge 3D tomographic imaging technology for detailed exploration of organelles and cells. The i-MANI Center at National Cheng-Kung University, distinguished for its proficiency in cryo-electron microscopy technology and immunogold labeling services, caters to a wide variety of biological and polymer samples, offering customized embedding and ultrathin sectioning services. With years of experience, i-MANI has earned a reputation as a reliable and professional partner in the industry and pharmaceutical sector.

Our services comprise high-resolution Cryo-EM structures of protein monomers and complexes, i.e., single-particle analysis; TEM imaging for macromolecules like liposomes, microsomes, virus particles, nanomedicines; MicroED; 3D tomographic imaging of organelles and cells; and customized embedding and ultra-thin sectioning services (Ultratome & Cryo-Ultratome) for various biological and polymer samples.


Acknowledgment template:
"We express our gratitude for the technical services rendered by the Taiwan Cryo-EM Consortium of the National Core Facility for Biopharmaceuticals, supported by the National Science and Technology Council under grant number NSTC 112-2740-B-006-001.
Additionally, we appreciate the assistance provided by the Instrument Development Center of the National Cheng Kung University. / Cryo-EM experiments were performed at the Academia Sinica Cryo-EM Facility, supported by Academia Sinica (AS-CFII-108-110). The cryo-EM data were processed at the Academia Sinica Grid-computing Center supported by Academia Sinica. / We thank the Cryo-EM core at the First Core Labs, National Taiwan University College of Medicine for technical support."

Contact Information
PI:Shang Rung Wu
Institute:Institute of Oral Medicine, National Cheng Kung University
Contact:Ms. Jill Zhan and Dr. Ya-Na Wu
Tel:+886-6 235 3535 ext. 6246
Add:Room 139, B1, Medical College, National Cheng Kung University, 1, University Rd, East Dist. 701 Tainan, Taiwan (R.O.C.)