National Core Facility for Biopharmaceuticals

Core Facilities - Biosafety-level 3 core facility(Professor Wen-Chien Ko)

Biosafety-level 3 core facilityProfessor Wen-Chien Ko

The BSL-3 Core Laboratory at National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) stands out as the sole publicly accessible and shared BSL-3 core laboratory in southern Taiwan. This state-of-the-art facility serves as a research platform for the professional testing of highly infectious biological materials (RG-2/RG-3). We not only offer top-notch protection, but also foster a collaborative environment that brings industry, academia, and research sectors together. This collaborative space facilitates the seamless integration of research theories spanning from fundamental sciences to the development and testing of practical products. By nurturing research units and the biotechnology industry, our laboratory drives translational innovation and streamlines the commercialization and industrialization of research outcomes.

Our platform consolidates the expertise from diverse teams and effectively integrates scientific resources from various centers and units within National Cheng Kung University, College of Medicine, and affiliated hospital. These resources include advanced facilities, high-security experimental spaces, and software and hardware systems. By connecting the knowledge and technical resources of the College of Medicine, Department of Pathology, and Clinical Research Center in the hospital, we create a collaborative platform that encourages meaningful communication and enables the practical application and validation of basic science. Operating on a comprehensive one-stop service model, we provide services such as sample consultation, customized solutions for specific needs, experimental consultation and design, qualification and certification, professional contract operations, data analysis, and research report generation. These services can fulfill the needs of researchers, academic units, and industry companies across Taiwan, and provide high-quality research support from every perspective.


Acknowledgment template:
We thank the technical services provided by the “Biosafety level 3 core laboratory (NSTC 112-2740-B-006-003) of the National Core Facility for Biopharmaceuticals, National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan

Contact Information
PI:Prof. Wen-Chien Ko
Institute:College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University
Contact:Ms. Hsin-Yueh Chang
Tel:+886-6-235-3535 ext. 5762
Add:Office 5763, Cheng-Hsing Campus, No.1, University Road, Tainan City, Taiwan (R.O.C.)