National Core Facility for Biopharmaceuticals

Core Facilities - Emerging Infectious Diseases Core Facility Platform(Institute of Preventive Medicine, NDMC. Dr. Kau, Jyh-Hwa)

Emerging Infectious Diseases Core Facility PlatformInstitute of Preventive Medicine, NDMC. Chen, Cheng-Cheung Investigator

The purpose of establishing the Emerging Infectious Disease Research Core Facility at the National Defense Medical Center is to meet the needs of various sectors in the country, including industry, government, academia, and research. It aims to provide advanced and professional services and consultations in the field of epidemic prevention science. Based on the existing capabilities of the team, the platform is built to integrate horizontal and vertical technologies, avoiding duplicate investments in high-level biosafety laboratories. It includes the following core platforms required for emerging infectious disease research: (1) Pathogen detection and surveillance platform; (2) High-risk pathogen cell and animal testing platform; (3) High-level biosafety laboratory personnel training platform. Through this establishment, the platform aims to connect various sectors in the country, and proactively lay out the preclinical trial value chain in line with international development trends, supporting forward-looking applied research and the development of new therapies.


Acknowledgment template:
We thank the technical services provided by the “ABSL3 Laboratory: Emerging Infectious Disease Research Core Facility Platform, National Science and Technology Commission, Taiwan”.

Contact Information
Chen, Cheng-Cheung Investigator
Institute:Institute of Preventive Medicine, National Defense Medical Center
Tel:+886-2-8177-7038 ext 19789
Add:172F., Dapu Rd., Sanxia Dist., New Taipei City 237010, Taiwan (R.O.C.)